Organizing the Inside 365 Days

Empowering Christian Women To Get Organized and Discover God's Plan for Their Lives

Organizing the Inside – Day 78 Who Told You To Carry That?

Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you.  ~1 Peter 5:7

Ask yourself are you trying to be superwoman?
Have you taken on responsibilities and commitments that no one human being could ever carry out? You have so much to do that you don’t even know where to begin. You know that saying yes to one more project is going to mean something else will have to suffer, but you feel compelled to do it anyway. Now here you are again today looking for something you will never find, spare time.

You end up feeling like a complete failure.
You’ve been struggling with discouragement for a while now. You never seem to have enough energy to get it all done, and you feel guilty. You feel like you should do more and at one time perhaps you did do more. It seems like lately your tiredness is taking a toll and you need relief from all the stress. Things seem to be spinning out of control and you just want to give up. I’ve been there before and found a way to get relief.

God tells you to take up His yoke, for a reason and not for a season.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but you’ve managed to take on what amounts to your burden and someone else’s, all while trying to put on a happy face.  Stop using your productive energy agonizing over all the stuff you have to get done. You need to take your life off autopilot and unbend your mind at once.  It’s time for a change in the way you operate.  Begin to think of fulfilling your responsibilities in terms of quality, superb quality, not quantity. Acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate what you have been able to complete.

Let God give you a new “To Do” list.
It’s not up to you to plan every aspect of your live.  Besides you can make all the plans you want if God is not directing you, it won’t be fulfilling in the end.  Take time to uncover God’s real agenda for your life.  Yes, He has one.  There are some specific things that God would prefer you be concerned with.  These won’t be overwhelming, burdensome, worrisome or bothersome.  He doesn’t want you running around trying to handle more than He ever intended for you.  Life should be simple not stressful.  If you’ve forgotten how to enjoy just being in His presence, it’s time to let go of all that you’ve chosen to carry…Really it’s not all yours to bear.
Also read Matthew 11: 30


  Tessa wrote @

Thank you for this! I am going to have to read those passages and your post again after my children are asleep! Because I am a total-in recovery-perfectionist. Since becoming reborn in 2009, it has been a slow process but I am learning to live more simple and much less stressful. I still, though, get down on myself too much about what I have not finished off my list. I have a 5 month old, so I realize at times like this that I have to give myself a break and listen to God more! I love this blog!

  Liz Mason wrote @

Thank you so much for stopping by Tessa. I’m thrilled that somehow my blog might help you live a simpler life. I hope you’ll visit again, I am passionate about helping Christian woman get organized and simplify their lives.

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