Organizing the Inside 365 Days

Empowering Christian Women To Get Organized and Discover God's Plan for Their Lives

Archive for Anxiety

Organizing the Inside – Day 233 It’s Worship Time!

1Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits—3who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.  Psalm 103:1-5 (NIV)

Declare worship time.
There are times when we must demand that our entire being find that place of worship.  David told his soul what to do, then he repeated the message to his soul and reminded himself  that God was worthy of this high level praise. Forget not all of his benefits – David deemed it important that his entire being recognize God for all that He is and all that He has done. When organizing the inner also make sure that (all that is within) the mind and body also follow along and agree when it’s time to worship.

Live a life of true worship.
A goal for every Christian is to live a life of true worship. Everything we say and do should give honor and praise to God. God is worthy of our praise and daily worshiping Him is non-negotiable if we want to stay in tune with the Spirit. Especially if feeling tired, defeated or worn-out, this is the time when we have to demand worship.  On good days and during tough times, speak to your soul and all that is within you. Let your soul know when it’s “worship time” and acknowledge His sovereignty. As you enter that place of true worship, may the Holy Spirit renew your strength  and empower you to carry out His will each new day.

Organizing the Inside – Day 155 Just Have A Good Cry

Rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Cry with those who are crying. ~Romans 12:15

Maybe it’s time for a good cry?
If God didn’t want us to cry then why on earth did He give us tears? He knew that we would experience emotions that mere words could not express. He foreknew that we would need an outlet and gave each one of us the ability to cry. I’ve often found my husband laughing at my tears over Hallmark commercials or sappy love stories. My favorite of all times is A Walk To Remember and oh, Two Red Ferns. I was so thrilled to find them in the $5.00 bin at Wal-Mart that I could hardly hold back the tears. Yes, my husband laughed at me then too.

Crying makes me feel weak.
Contrary to popular belief, crying is not a sign of weakness; it’s a clear sign of strength. If it was a sign of weakness, what’s wrong with that? … And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Being strong has nothing to do with putting on a happy face when you’re hurting inside. You can cry without having a “pity party” and without going into “emotional failure.”  We are emotional creatures and sometimes, a good cry before the throne of grace can give you a completely different perspective from the miserable outlook you’ve been holding on to.  I cannot count the times that God turned my tears of sadness into real tears of absolute joy.

I never understood as a child when my parents would get together with family.
We’d end a perfectly reasonable day of running, playing jump rope and hopscotch with tears. It seemed like every super fun, dirty your clothes and mess up your braids-day with my cousins, would end in tears. It was either my Dad or my Uncle Dump, (we called him Dump) would call all the children to gather around and trust me this was not optional. So all my cousins, brothers and sisters would gather around in the family room for a moment, no it seemed like an hour of prayer. I just didn’t get it… why was everyone crying? All the adults and soon to be adults were sniffing and wiping tears. My cousins and I would look at each other with our eyes about to pop out of our heads as we tried to understand what made everyone so sad all of a sudden. We only knew that just at about the time the tissue box was completely empty, it was about to end. We’d all say amen, and run off to get in five more minutes of hide and seek before we said our goodbyes.

As I became older, I later understood it was a true and honest expression of love and gratitude towards God that made my big strong, handsome Dad weep as he prayed. I get it now, the tissue box was empty, yet their hearts were full.  We’re all grown now and usually only see each other during funerals and weddings for the most part, but those hours of heart-felt family prayer was a tradition many of us kept going in our own families.

Crying is beneficial to your health
Studies show that crying literally allows your body to release toxins that build up as a result of stress in your life. So is crying God ordained?  I believe in His infinite wisdom he knew we’d experience happiness and gratitude, sadness and loss and gave us the special gift of crying as a way to release emotions that sometimes our hearts are to full to hold inside. So the next time you find yourself so full of the complex emotions that tend to overwhelm, go ahead and let those tear ducts have at it. Let it out, don’t try to shake them off or hold them back go to your prayer closet (of course, not in the middle of a business meeting) and let God’s good gift of crying help release your stress.  A time to cry and a time to laugh… Ecclesiastes 3:4a When you finish, get back to the business of serving Him with exceedingly great joy, excitement and anticipation of all the good things He has in store for you.

There will come a day when we won’t have need of tears. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”  Revelations 21:4 Meanwhile, periodically use the gift of crying it really works!

Day 31- Anxiety Is Overrated

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ~Philippians 4:6

Are you letting your worries and the what-ifs in life keep you from being all you can be?  Maybe the anxiety is keeping you from doing all that you can do for the kingdom of God.  Today after having recovered from the stress of the stress brought on by almost worrying myself out of a victory, I finally faced my fear and decided to trust God, but not until the very last minute.

I knew I needed my wisdom tooth removed for months.  It took me that long to do something about it, because I had perceived the pain and tragedy of a possible broken jaw or overdosing on anesthesia was more than my little fearful heart could handle.

How foolish I felt when after all that worry and self inflicted anxiety I breezed through it almost as easy as standing in line at the grocery store. My BP read 178/96 and to my doctor’s surprise I’d never been diagnosed with high blood pressure. The worry and stress brought my numbers almost off the charts in an otherwise healthy individual. Silly me, I should have just trusted God from the very beginning.

If your anxiety is keeping you from doing something that you know you should do.  Or perhaps you are avoiding an opportunity to serve simply because your imagination has been corrupted by fear.  Take it from me it is so much easier to trust God from the beginning.  Enjoy the victory, it has already been won, trust God today even if the giant in your life is as big as my wisdom tooth.